

I described Tokyo recently to a friend while walking around during their first visit, as a kind of beautiful loneliness. I don’t know if that makes sense to anyone else, but as an introvert who thrives on bring surrounded by chaotic humanity (so long as I don’t have to interact with it) it’s kind of perfect.

Das beschreibt meine Gefühle zu Paris ganz gut. Was hatte ich die Stadt sieben Jahre vermisst.

You don’t have a problem.

You have a solution you don’t like.

Vision is the bottleneck of talent.

Most talent is wasted because people do not clearly know what they want. It’s not a lack of effort, but a lack of direction.

There are many capable people in the world, but relatively few that focus on what matters.

There are many things you can’t control, but you can control the way they reach you.

You’re unlikely to get everything you want. That’s a good thing, because wants are part of what define us.

“One of the dangers of our wide-open media culture of the last ten years has been that the signals aren’t getting through the noise. Loud voices are drowning out useful ones[…]

It pays to curate the incoming, to ignore the noise and to engage with voices that are willing to show their work.”

Seth Godin, Reality as an organizing principle, Seth’s Blog vom 1.5.2020

The cost of a thing is the amount of … life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.

aus: Henry David Thoreau – „Walden“

“More than $30tn of global assets are held in investment funds that promise daily liquidity to investors despite investing in potentially illiquid underlying assets, such as [emerging market] debt,” Mr Carney said. “We have recently seen analogous situations in the UK.”

Bank of England-Governor Mark Carney über mögliche Auslöser der nächsten Finanzkrise „Why embattled UK stockpicker may be a canary in the coal mine“, Financial Times vom 10.6.2019

People who have learned to answer email on Sunday evenings also need to learn how to go to the movies on Monday afternoons.

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